Thursday, 1 April 2021

April and Spring is here!

 It's April, the weather is vastly improving and all life seems to be improving.  I've been busy with my camera everyday and here is my March set of photos - a reminder of what I've been up to during the last month.   They are mostly in order although I have moved some wider ones to the top - February was easy with 28 days, March more tricky as I really need 5 rows!!

To sum up March, well lots of Spring flowers, blossom and walks in the countryside and local park where one day I spied the Shire Horses that had been used to tow a glass funeral carriage. March has been a good month - we went to Sheffield Park (NT), we were vaccinated, we did the census, the clocks changed and the last days were very warm.  

The Bench at the top and the Memorial Wall near the end were both featured in the town's remembrance on March 23rd of all those who have died in the last year.  The wrought iron bench features various people and words remembering the pandemic.  

Let's hope April continues to stay warm, bright and normality resumes soon!!

Elaine xx


  1. So sorry for being late. Sadly I missed the whole of March but what a joy to come here to see all these gorgeous photos - the shire horses are just so beautiful and majestic but I am wondering what that man is doing on his knees now...

    You really are going to be able to look back with some fondness at the end of this pandemic, with your lovely catalogue of photos. So pleased that you have had your vaccinations too. Take care. xx

    1. Thank you for commenting and I hope you are feeling better. The man on his knees is my husband "trying" to mend our leaky kitchen sink!!


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