Well that was an interesting month - some good sunny days with high clouds in the sky, some beautiful sunsets and then 3 storms in a week and no water!
It started with the first few snowdrops out on 1st of the month, quickly followed by the cyclamen, crocus and early daffodils. The bee was fast asleep in the purple crocus. The next day he was two flowers across and then I think he hid in there during the storms. The sky was black, it blew a few pots over on the patio and in the end I had to go and rescue the umbrella on the bird stand - it was in danger of taking off!!
Sometimes I think I'd like to live on top of a hill so I could enjoy the sunrises and sunsets but then we get really windy days and I think maybe it's best to be a little more protected. Anyway I'm looking forward to more of the Spring and more colour.
Thanks for looking!
Elaine xx
We certainly have had some interesting weather over the last month. I just love it when the snowdrops show their droopy heads and the crocus and daffs are just the perfect indication that Spring is just around the corner. Beautiful photos, as always! Anne xx