Friday 1 April 2022

March Flowers

 Well I was going to write Spring is well and truly here but these last few days have been much colder and there's been snow in the air.   However all the colour from the Spring bulbs makes up for it - you can't see all the yellow daffodils  without feeling cheerful.

So here's some colour to make you smile

Daffodils, Hellebore, Primroses, Winca, Grape Hyancinths, Narcissus and even the Christmas Cactus in the house has joined in.  I've done 3 weeks of exams in March so haven't had time to go out photographing much else so just enjoy the flowers!!

Elaine xx

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, as always, Elaine! Like you, I love seeing the beautiful daffodils because it usually heralds Spring. Our Magnolia tree has just come into blossom so I hope the cold, wet, windy and snowy weather doesn't last too long! Anne xx


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