Monday, 11 May 2020

Week 8 - Locked Down Still

Well here we are again - blogging day in lockdown.  I guess we are still in lockdown, who can say?  I for one will be staying in as much as possible for as long as possible.   I should have started 7 weeks of invigilating in the local school today - all the GCSEs, GCEs, yr 10 mocks and yr 12 mocks but that has all gone and who knows what will happen.

Anyway the weekend was lovely again - I sat in the garden listening to the birds.  VE Day on Friday was good.   The Spitfire was scheduled over the local hospital at 1pm and you could hear the sound of the engines from a distance - luckily he did 4 circuits of the town, a barrel roll over the hospital and came over our house several times.  We stood in the street trying to take photos - I have several of a tiny dot in a vast blue sky but this one was taken by my daughter.   The sound was wonderful!

I think people seem to be so much more observant - out photographing nature and the sky etc.  Last week it was the supermoon, Venus being very bright and the starlink satellites going over every night - beautiful clear skies due to the lack of pollution.  Lets just hope it all continues.

Stay safe everyone.

Elaine xx

1 comment:

  1. How lucky to get another look at a spitfire, the photo your daughter took is brilliant!

    Well, since I am in definite lock down for 12 weeks I won't be venturing out either and am quite happy about it! Better safe than sorry...

    It has been pure joy seeing so many stars at night although we seem to have gone back to our 'normal' clouds and rainy skies this week.

    Take care and keep safe. Anne xx


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